America's Children of
Statewide Preschool Program in collaboration with Johnston
Community School District
The curriculum is based on the Creative Curriculum for Preschool, a social/emotional curriculum called Al's Pals: Kids Making Healthy Choices, and a writing/reading curriculum called On The Road to Writing and Reading for Prekindergarten (Zaner-Boser). Hearing, vision, and speech screenings are available. Parent/teacher conferences are held twice yearly.
AM and PM session with wrap around care

Curriculum plans are made weekly based on the developmental level, needs and interest of the children. A combination of active and quiet, individual and group, indoor and outdoor and teacher and child directed.
The learning environment promotes self-esteem and positive self-image, social interaction, self and creative expression and communication and problem solving skills.
Interest Centers
Each class has a variety of interest centers that may consist of Blocks, Writing, Music, Science, Reading, Sensory, Dramatic Play, Art and Manipulatives.